JULY BIBLE QUIZ - Answers can be found in 1 Timothy chapters 1-6
1. What did Paul instruct Timothy to charge the Ephesians?
2. Who is the law for?
3. Who suffered shipwreck concerning their faith?
4. What should be done first of all?
5. What rationale did Paul use for a woman to be in submission?
6. What is said about a man who desires the position of a bishop?
7. What qualifications were given for a bishop that were NOT required for a deacon?
8. How was Timothy to be an example?
9. What was Timothy exhorted to give attention to?
10. What was Timothy to take heed to?
11. A widow must be at least what age before the church should consider supporting her and why?
12. What does Paul say about laying hands on someone?
13. What exhortation did Paul give Christian slaves who had Christian masters?
14. What can those who desire to be rich fall into?
15. What was Timothy instructed to avoid?
Answers are due no later than Monday, July 29. Send to [email protected], [email protected], or bring to the parish office.